World Aviation offers a wide range of training courses for the aeronautical industry. Our course options include recurrent training for those already working within the aviation industry as well as for those looking to develop a career in commercial aviation. We have a number of learning centers around Spain as well as our main campus in Malaga. For general inquiries and more information on our training programs, please contact us. Preparation for the English Proficiency Check. Post-holders training and coaching for AIR-OPS requirements. CRM / Human Factors for Operators – Initial / 2 days CRM / Human Factors for Operators – Recurrent / 1 day Operational Approvals (RVSM, BRNAV, PRNAV, MNPS, RNP-10, FANS, ADS, CAT II/III, AWO) / 1 days ETOPS Approvals (Extended Twin-Engine Operations Performance) / 1 days EASA Air Ops – Airplanes (Regulation 216/2008, 965/2012, 800/2013, 379/2014) / 4 days EASA Air Ops – Helicopters (Regulation 216/2008, 965/2012, 800/2013, 379/2014) / 4 days FRMS – Fatigue Risk Management System / 1 day SMS – Air Operators (Normativa AIR OPS) / 3 days SMS – EASA Part-145 Organizations / 2 days SMS – EASA Part-M Organizations / 2 days SMS – Risk Management Dangerous Goods / 1 day Dangerous Goods – Initial / 2 days / Recurrent and OCC / 1 days
Our courses Helicopter pilot courses Plane pilot courses Drone pilot courses Aviation training courses